After drawing this sketch of Timuria, a region of Uzrak, I realized it had a weird scale. I started with the cities and a 1 mile per hex scale in my head. As I drew the wilderness, I unintentionally shifted scale and was thinking in 3 or even 6 mile hexes. The result is a map has a kind of primitive cartographic scale, where more important things are larger. This is how mistakes become cool features!
2d6 | Creature | Hook |
2 | Sphynx, Avatar | |
of Order | The avatar challenges parties with logic (in riddle form) and pounces on those who cannot answer; assuming their minds are tainted by Chaos. | |
3 | Manticore | A rabid manticore has lost its sanity. It roams the plains slaughtering anything it encounters out of spite. |
4 | Centaurs | A herd of d6+1 centaurs are hunting a fugitive: a human who defaced their tribe’s totem pillar. |
5 | Patrol | A patrol of d6+2 guards from a nearby city stop and question you about a one-eyed man in crimson armor. |
6 | Caravan | A line of d6 wagons, each with a driver, 2 guards, and d3 occupants trundles across the plain. They are desperate to find a water source. |
7 | Bandits | 2d6 thugs riding axebeaks give chase in hopes you have iron weapons or tools to steal. They will settle for your coin. |
8 | Flesh-eaters | A filthy band of d6+4 flesh-eaters approaches, wanting to trade curious relics they found in Godswall caves. They hungrily eye any sick or weak. |
9 | Chaos Knight | A chaos knight (covered in spiky armor) is looking to impress their god and challenges the strongest representative of law among the party to single combat. |
10 | Serpent Folk | A “slither” of serpent men (d6+1), moving under cover of darkness, are carrying a coded message to a cultist in Garon. |
11 | Harpies | A “murder” of harpies (d3 + party size) attack the camp in two waves, feinting to draw off guards then stealing any shiny objects they can get their claws on! |
12 | Vampire Lord | A vampire riding a flying horror of warped flesh spots you. What are the chances it will come back in the night or when you are weak? |