The Lost Temple of the Ancients

The Dungeon Map

The image below is my in-progress dungeon map. I decided to leave some blanks in level 3 to react to things characters do in earlier sessions. (That’s what I told myself after not getting all my tasks for the week finished.) The following are rough notes for each level. They should give you an idea of the general layout and feel of the dungeon. Asterisks indicate when theme budgets are being spent, i.e. “mushroom garden*” means I spent 1 point on the Fungus theme.

Dungeon Map.png

The final room is the Theater of Minds. Its arched walls are riddled with countless niches, each holding a strange skull. Each skull, if examined, will prove to have a unique pattern of strange whirls on its inner surface that calls to mind the odd rugose patterns on the red gems. Indeed with a bit of testing and through the process of elimination, characters may be able to find a match or two. (If not, characters might discover a few of the red gems still inside their skulls in the highest niches.) A pedestal in the middle of the room will activate the theater if a gem (inside its matching skull) is placed on it. The pedestal will cause the gem to project scenes (through the skull’s eyes) taken from the creature’s memories. The visions relate the snake folk’s long-forgotten* way of life. The visions may include hazy and fleeting glimpses of ancient mysteries, fabulous treasures, important historical events, and/or strange inventions the world has lost. Trapped halls lead to the final resting place of three very important sister-queens. Their intact skulls/gems will certainly prove illuminating, if the characters can safely bring them out. The hall traps are large blocks of stone that will fall and probably crush anyone breaking the seal of these sacred resting places. The albino cobra belonged to one of the queens; it was her familiar. She granted it long life through sorcery and if her ancient mind is awakened, she will call it to her. First, she will direct it to attack the tomb robbers. Then, she will try to transfer her consciousness into her beautiful pet.