The Lost Temple of the Ancients
- Entrance**:** A fissure in a massive boulder emits a fetid breeze.
- Rooms (exits) by level: 9 (4), 12 (2), 8 (2).
- Themes (budget): Eyes (4), Fungus (5), Forgotten (3).
- Monsters: harpies guard the entrance. A living statue stalks the first
level. The second level is a colony of giant ants. Some have been
mutated and have a single all-too-human eye in their foreheads. A
specter inhabits the false tomb. Carnivorous gnats (stirges) infest the
fungus garden. A massive catfish lives in the lake. Foot-long
scorpions hide in cracks and under detritus. A black jelly makes its
nest in the ants’ pit. A massive albino cobra lives in the third level,
hunting giant hissing cockroaches.
- 4 Features: a winged statue in the temple at the center of level 1
triggers/directs the stalker. Copious red fungus on level 2 smells
delicious and tastes even better; too bad it makes your sweat attract
stirges. A confusion spell on level 3 makes interlopers forget why
they came and how to get out. A “theater” on level 3 that can be
made to display the knowledge of the ancients.
- 3 Wondrous Items: a hooked scepter of snake commanding is in the
false tomb. A magic mirror/portal rests in a cave beneath the
surface of the lake. Red memory gems are hoarded by the ants.
The Dungeon Map
The image below is my in-progress dungeon map. I decided to leave
some blanks in level 3 to react to things characters do in earlier
sessions. (That’s what I told myself after not getting all my tasks for the
week finished.) The following are rough notes for each level. They
should give you an idea of the general layout and feel of the dungeon.
Asterisks indicate when theme budgets are being spent, i.e.
“mushroom garden*” means I spent 1 point on the Fungus theme.

- Level 1. This hypostyle hall is carved from living rock. A crack in
the northwest corner leads up to the surface. A secret, one-way
door in the east wall opens onto a narrow stair leading down to
level 3. Giant ants have tunneled up from level 2 near the west
room. In the center of the hall is an open-sided temple. Around the
top of the hall is a second story overlook with rooms at the cardinal
points: south is a false tomb, north is a guard station, and the east/
west rooms were used for storage. The east one has been taken over
by the giant ants from level 2 and is being used to store food,
primarily. The empty windows of these upper rooms make
characters feel watched.* The hall stalker, a statue of a blindfolded*
giant with an elephant head, will lumber toward interlopers so long
as the smaller many-eyed* statue at the center of the temple can
“see” them. The stalker is deadly and nearly impossible to kill, but
very slow. When not in motion it is deadly quiet; characters coming
out of buildings may get a surprise. Occasionally a one-eyed*
mutant ant comes up from below and staggers around drunkenly.
- Level 2. The many rough-hewn chambers of this level serve as a
home to the colony of giant ants. They are busy 24/7, working in
shifts in the endless twilight created by ubiquitous glowing red
fungus.* The fungus smells tasty, but the ants seem to ignore it.
Unusual sights on this level include a beautiful garden of
mushrooms*, an underground lake of black water, a small cave
filled with red gems the size of figs, and a seemingly bottomless pit.
The black jelly that lives in the pit seems to relish the red mold,
chewing large swaths through it and leaving behind exposed trails
of slightly slimy rock. (These streaks should become more evident
to characters as they approach the pit.) The quiet surface of the lake
belies the presence of the giant catfish below. It is always hungry
and will react quickly to any disturbance, hoping a big ant has
fallen in. One in every dozen or two ants is a mutant. They have
been exposed to the red gems too long and are being “awakened.”
The gems (in actuality shriveled brains of a bizarre, long-dead race)
were brought up from level 3 and hoarded by the ants. The long
hall near the bottom of the map is where the mutant ants hang out.
They are individualistic, lazy, and pretty-much stoned most of the
time. Ants generally experience through smell, but these ants are
painting on the wall with smeared fungus,* making odd clicking
“music,” and generally having a good time. They can be
dangerously clumsy in their goofy state however, and violence
occasionally erupts between them and the colony’s disgruntled
warriors who don’t want to lose any more citizens to this
unexpected madness. A tunnel 20’ below the surface of the pit
leads to level 3.
- Level 3. This level is more than a tomb, it is an archive of
knowledge. Each “door” has no handle, is sealed with a waxy
substance, and must be forced open. The first, rather large room is a
hall of murals that depicts the life of an ancient race of serpentine
humanoids. They must have lived along a fertile river. The murals
oddly affect the characters’ senses, seeming to emit the subtle
whirring noises of insects, a puff of warm breeze, or even the smell
of brackish river water. Each character experiences something
different. The effect is a form of soporific confusion.* Off of the
main gallery are several rooms filled with artifacts from the daily
life of the snake folk. The walls of these rooms have been tunneled
through in places, seemingly sometime after they were sealed. The
tunnels are rough and about 3’ in diameter. If a character were to
crawl into them they would find immense cast off snake skins and/
or encounter a giant, albino cobra. In the cobra’s rough nest at the
end of the tunnels lies a clutch of forgotten* eggs that have gone
cold and will seemingly never hatch.
The final room is the Theater of Minds. Its arched walls are riddled
with countless niches, each holding a strange skull. Each skull, if
examined, will prove to have a unique pattern of strange whirls on
its inner surface that calls to mind the odd rugose patterns on the
red gems. Indeed with a bit of testing and through the process of
elimination, characters may be able to find a match or two. (If not,
characters might discover a few of the red gems still inside their
skulls in the highest niches.) A pedestal in the middle of the room
will activate the theater if a gem (inside its matching skull) is placed
on it. The pedestal will cause the gem to project scenes (through
the skull’s eyes) taken from the creature’s memories. The visions
relate the snake folk’s long-forgotten* way of life. The visions may
include hazy and fleeting glimpses of ancient mysteries, fabulous
treasures, important historical events, and/or strange inventions the
world has lost. Trapped halls lead to the final resting place of three
very important sister-queens. Their intact skulls/gems will certainly
prove illuminating, if the characters can safely bring them out. The
hall traps are large blocks of stone that will fall and probably crush
anyone breaking the seal of these sacred resting places. The albino
cobra belonged to one of the queens; it was her familiar. She
granted it long life through sorcery and if her ancient mind is
awakened, she will call it to her. First, she will direct it to attack the
tomb robbers. Then, she will try to transfer her consciousness into
her beautiful pet.