Create a useable RPG campaign setting in five weeks!

<aside> ❗ This is a Notion Template! If you wish to use this for yourself, click the “Duplicate” button in the top-right corner to copy this template into your Notion workspace. If you created an account or logged in to do this, you may need to re-click the link and start over.



Ver. 3.2

Notion Template created by Seth Tanner. Adapted from *The Gygax 75 Challenge* by Ray Otus. This template is released under an Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Creative Commons License. The original was inspired by Charlie of the *Dragons Never Forget* blog.

This is a Notion template! You can interact with it and edit it for your needs. You can create pages under/alongside each week to add your own content as you complete the challenge. Each of the lists of Tasks and Extra Credit within each week’s page are checkboxes that you can tick off as you complete them!



How to Use This Book

 I can’t make a whole world in just a few weeks!
 What if I fall behind?
 What if I want to work ahead?
 What materials will I need?
 What if I want to publish the results?
 Do I need to read the article?
 Does it only work for a fantasy game?
 How much do the rules I choose matter?
 Do I have to do the steps as written?

Week 1: The Concept

 Extra Credit

      Uzrak, Where Gods Walk
      The Pitch
      Sources of Inspiration

Week 2: Surrounding Area

 Regarding Scale
 Extra Credit

      Timuria Hex Map
      Random Encoounter Table

Week 3: The Dungeon

 Extra Credit

      The Lost Temple of the Ancients
      The Dungeon Map

Week 4: Town Features